Peloton Dad - 5 Reasons To Experiment With Video

In this comedic short, a dad attempts to use inspirational quotes from a Peloton class to get through a challenging parenting situation.

Before posting this video, I showed it to some friends and family and it got a few laughs (at least I think they were laughing). But more than a few asked, “Why are you doing this?” 

It’s a valid question and at first I wasn’t sure what the answer was. After thinking about it, here’s what I think:

1 - Ideas without execution don’t amount to much

I love coming up with creative ideas and will often explain to anyone who will listen why the latest idea I’ve come up with is brilliant. But all the great ideas in the world don’t amount to much unless you do something with them. Occasionally you have to put your money where your mouth is. Following through on an idea challenges you to see if it’s any good and forces you to translate it from your brain into the real world. There’s a ton of value in developing that skill.

2 - Being creative for fun is energizing

When I first came up with this idea, I couldn’t stop thinking and talking about it. It created so much energy in my mind. I was in a zone. I think the more you connect with that feeling, the more you can try and create it in other areas of your life. It almost becomes a form of meditation because your mind shifts from constant daily chatter to being focused. 

3 - Taking risks helps you grow

I’m obviously not an actor so there was definitely some trepidation about trying to act in this short. What if I sucked? What if I made a fool of myself? What if people didn’t get it?, etc. Whenever I’m feeling in a rut, it’s usually because I haven’t done anything that scares me or pushes me outside my comfort zone in a while. Most growth comes from tackling fears. 

4 - Letting go of perfection is a good thing to practice 

It’s the oldest cliche in the book - there’s no such thing as perfection. When you hold out for perfection, you create an environment that is rigid, tense and heavy. Creativity needs space and room to flow.  When you let go of perfection, you step into what is possible and can actually realize your potential. But here’s the rub, I’m a crazy perfectionist. Chalk it up to my Virgo zodiac sign. So it’s good for me to learn to practice what I preach. 

5 - Fame, money and other delusions of grandeur

Everyone craves their 10 seconds of fame. Is this mine?  Probably not:) But it’s always fun to daydream. What if this got a zillion views? What if I did a whole series and created a revenue stream on YouTube? What if Peloton flew me to London to take a class with Ben Aldis in their London studio? Now that would make for a good next video!

At the end of the day, I smile when I watch the video and it makes me think about the next great idea!


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“We LOVE working with Storyboard Films. They have this magical way of turning a vague concept into a beautiful work of art.”

— Melena Nelson - Family Means


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