Heroes On The Front Line

We have proudly produced videos for Hammer Homes for the last 5 years.

Ali with caregiver-1.jpg

With the pandemic firmly in play during the time leading up to their annual fundraiser, we wondered if a video was even possible.

But then we started to think outside of the box. What if we followed different staff members and residents over a period of time and recorded zoom conversations with them? Would a good story that sheds light on Hammer’s purpose and mission emerge?

Magically…it did! Although not really magically. Any time you have an organization with heart and great people, there will always be stories that emerge.

We may be limited for the time being in how we shoot videos, we are not limited in our ability to share good stories.

I’m happy to report that Hammer Homes exceeded it’s fundraising goal at this year’s virtual event!


A Great Branded Video Example


2 Tips To Look Better In Your Next Virtual Meeting